The Ishpeming Multi-Purpose Senior Center is operated by the Greater Ishpeming Commission on Aging (GICOA) a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation.
We provide services and programs to seniors, 60 years and older who reside in the City of Ishpeming and the Townships of Ishpeming, Tilden, Ely, Champion, Humboldt, Michigamme and Republic.
Special Events
September 18th we will be taking a bus trip to Lake of the Clouds and coming back for lunch at the Baraga Ojibwa Casino. More details coming soon. Sign up at the Ishpeming Senior Center.
Special Events in September:
- September 5th-11am-The Country of the Blind by Andrew Leland
- September 6th-Knit/Crochet Club starts back up-1pm-3pm
- September 9Ath-9am-Legal Clinic with Mr. Graybill
- September 13th-12pm-Skincare Class-Aging Skin/Workshop with Emily Herman
- September 18-Bus trip to Lake of the Clouds
- September 24th-Flu Vaccine/Healthcare Clinic
- September 26th-12:30pm Semco/Uppco-Energy Saving Box handouts
- September 27th-10am-West End Warriors/Alzheimer's Walk
- September 5th-Potato Bar....
- September 12th-Goulash & Garlic Bread
- September 19th-Chicken Enchiladas
- September 26th-Sloppy Joe's
- September 10th
Michigamme Meal
- Every Tuesday at 12pm at the Michigamme Township Hall.
Call Nancy 906-869-1557 or Bill 906-201-4727 to sign up.
Humboldt Meal
- September 11th-at Humboldt Twp Hall, Call 906-339-2927 to sign up. Participants may bring a dish to pass. Free will donation.
Champion Meal
- September 18th at 12pm at the Redeemer Lutheran Church. Call 906-485-5527 to sign up.
Republic Meal
- September 26th at 12pm at Riverview Heights Apartments.
Diabetes Education with Sarah Smith
- September 3rd and 17th
Foot Care Clinics - Call Ish Senior Center to schedule an appt
- September 6th & 13th
Blood Pressure Clinic
- September 20th
- Monday - Low Impact Aerobics at 10am
- Tuesday - Tai Chi starts back up on 9/10/24.
- Wednesday - Strong Bodies at 10am
- Wednesday - Line Dancing at 2pm
- Friday-Chair Yoga-10am
- Michigamme- Tai Chi- 10am
- Republic Low Impact Aerobics - Mondays at 2pm
Class Get Togethers:
- Sept. 5th-Class of 1967-2pm
- Sept.16th - Class of 1956 at 12pm
- Sept. 24th - Class of 1973 at 12pm